Easy! We don't want you to part with your money if you're not sure how Popup Audio works for your guided experiences. Simply download the app, register as a HOST and set up an event with 1 - 5 attendees. You will not be charged and you can enjoy the full functionality of the app.
Popup Audio is priced per attendee. Only the HOST pays (Guests can be charged through their ticket cost) Fees are between $1 per attendee per event. Annual subscriptions will be available soon for individuals and companies.
Absolutely! Once you downloaded the app and registered, you will have the option to JOIN EVENt or HOST EVENT. Fees apply for hosts based on the number of attendees per event.
For HOSTs, you'll need a mobile phone (ANDROID or iOS) and wireless headphones equipped with a microphone (Such as Airpods or similar). Guests cab use their own mobile phone (ANDROID or iOS) and any earphones. If a GUEST uses bluetooth hearing aids they are able to connect them easily. Additionally, both HOSTs and GUESTs will need a solid 4G/5G or Wifi connection.
Popup Audio is ideal for events where speakers, amplification or music is not permitted, or where external noises detract from the experience. From star gazing to beer tasting and everything in between. Originally created for group outdoor yoga and meditation, however Popup Audio can be used anywhere for group guided experiences.
As a HOST you create a PUBLIC or PRIVATE event. PUBLIC events are viewed in the Join Events section and are available for anyone to join. PUBLIC events are created with a unique code that you can send to your event attendees who have purchased a ticket to your event.
We designed Popup Audio to bring people together for shared experiences, enhanced with live audio. There will be no video feature for this reason.
As we have just launched there is plenty on the roadmap to enhance the user experience - contact us if you want to have a new feature included.
Zero Footprint events are events where everyone who attends uses their own equipment (Mobile phone, earphones and mobile data). This makes popup Audio a sustainable event solution.
Voucher codes are used in the HOST event setup. To obtain a voucher code you must email events@popupaudio.com.au to place your request. One off Codes will be issued for community and charity events only for discounted access to Popup Audio.